Canals i repositoris

Per a interaccions de la comunitat sobre Delta Chat, llegiu els nostres Estàndards de Comunitat.


Traduccions i informes d’error

Sempre cerquem desenvolupadors i dissenyadors. Habitualment oferim contractes de 20-30 hores setmanals (si sou a Alemanya). No dubteu a posar-vos en contacte (delta a merlinux eu) si esteu interessat a ajudar-nos!

For more background we recommend to read and follow our blog.

Canals de comunicació de tercers

The following Delta Chat related communication channels are run by third parties which may or may not follow our Community Standards:

If you know of, or setup yourself, additional channels, please let us know (see Channels and repositories above) or edit this page on GitHub.

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