Pyetje të Bëra Rëndom

Jeni me ngut? Mund të lexoni këtë ndihmë me qetësi kurdo që të jetë, brenda aplikacionit, edhe pa internet.

Ç’është Delta Chat-i?

Delta Chat is a reliable, decentralized and secure messaging app, available for mobile and desktop platforms.

Delta Chat feels like Whatsapp or Telegram but you can also use and regard it as an e-mail app. You can signup anonymously to a variety of interoperable chatmail servers which are minimal e-mail servers optimized for fast and secure operations. Or you may use classic e-mail servers and an existing e-mail account in which case Delta Chat acts as an e-mail app.

Si mund të gjej persona për të biseduar me ta?

To securely setup contact with others scan an invite QR code or share an invite link. This is required when using a (default) chatmail-based chat profile because chatmail servers reject un-encrypted outgoing messages.

If you create a chat profile with a classic e-mail address you may manually create a contact if you know their e-mail address and then write a message to them even if the recipient is not using Delta Chat.

Cilat janë përparësitë e Delta Chat-it krahasuar me programe të tjerë të llojit?

Po nëse pres një mesazh prej dikujt të cilit s’i kam shkruar në të kaluarën?

A mbulon Delta Chat-i figura, video dhe bashkëngjitje të tjera?

What are profiles? How can I switch between them?

A profile is a name, a picture and some additional information for encrypting messages. A profile lives on your device(s) only and uses a chatmail or a classic e-mail server to transport messages.

On first installation of Delta Chat a first profile is created.

Later, you can tap your profile image in the upper left corner to Add Profiles or to Switch Profiles.

You may want to use separate profiles for political, family or work related activities, or e. g. for a dedicated “spam-profile” with which you register at websites and platforms that tend to cause unsolicited messages (“spam”) sooner or later.

You may also wish to learn how to use the same profile on multiple devices.

Kush e sheh profilin tim?

Can I set a Bio/Signature/Status/Motto with Delta Chat?

Yes, you can do so under Settings → Profile → Bio. Your contacts who use Delta Chat will see it when they view your contact details. Moreover, it will appear as a classic e-mail signature.

Ç’do të thotë Fiksim, Heshtim, Arkivim?

Përdorini këto mjete për të sistemuar fjalosjet tuaja dhe për ta mbajtur gjithçka në vendin e vet:

Që të arkivoni ose fiksoni një fjalosje, prekeni gjatë (në Android), përdorni menunë e fjalosjes (në Android/Desktop), ose fërkojeni për majtas (në iOS); që të heshtoni një fjalosje, përdorni menunë e fjalosjes (në Android/Desktop), ose profilin e fjalosjes (në iOS).

How do “Saved Messages” work?

Saved Messages is a chat that you can use to easily remember and find messages.

Messages stay saved even if they are edited or deleted - may it be by sender, by device cleanup or by disappearing messages of other chats.

Ç’do të thotë pika e gjelbër?

Këtej mundeni të shihni ndonjëherë një pikë të gjelbër në krah të avatarit të një kontakti. Hollësisht: do të thotë se, në 10 minutat e fundit, Delta Chat-i i ka parë:

Pra, kjo s’është gjendje e njëmendtë aty për aty për qenie në linjë - dhe nëse dikush nuk përgjigjet menjëherë, edhe pse duket të jetë në linjë, mos u merakosni dhe lëruni ca kohë :)

Më anë tjetër, të tjerët jo përherë “do të shohin se jeni në linjë”. Nëse keni çaktivizuar dëftesa leximesh, s’do të shohin pikën e gjelbër para se ju t’u dërgoni një mesazh, ose të shkruani te një grup ku bëjnë pjesë edhe ata.

Correct typos and delete messages after sending

While edited messages will have the word “Edited” next to the timestamp, deleted messages will be removed without a marker in the chat. Notifications are not sent and there is no time limit.

Note, that the original message may still be received by chat members who could have already replied, forwarded, saved, screenshotted or otherwise copied the message.

How do disappearing messages work?

You can turn on “disappearing messages” in the settings of a chat, at the top right of the chat window, by selecting a time span between 1 minute and 5 weeks.

Until the setting is turned off again, each chat member’s Delta Chat app takes care of deleting the messages after the selected time span. The time span begins when the receiver first sees the message in Delta Chat. The messages are deleted both in each email account on the server, and in the app itself.

Note that you can rely on disappearing messages only as long as you trust your chat partners; malicious chat partners can take photos, or otherwise save, copy or forward messages before deletion.

Apart from that, if one chat partner uninstalls Delta Chat, the messages will not get deleted from their email account. They will most likely also not be decryptable anymore (as long as they were encrypted in the first place).


Krijimi i një grupi

Shtoni anëtarë te një grup

Fshiva veten padashje.

S’dua t’i marr më mesazhet e një grupi.

Ç’duan të thonë shenjat e shfaqura pas mesazheve që dërgohen?

Ç’ndodh, nëse aktivizoj “Fshi nga shërbyesi mesazhe të vjetër”?

Ç’ndodh, nëse aktivizoj “Fshi prej pajisjes mesazhe të vjetër”?

Instant message delivery and Push Notifications

What are Push Notifications? How can I get instant message delivery?

Push Notifications are sent by Apple and Google “Push services” to a user’s device so that an inactive Delta Chat app can fetch messages in the background and show notifications on a user’s phone if needed.

Push Notifications work with all chatmail servers on

As of May 2024, classic e-mail servers do not support Push Notifications for Delta Chat users.

Are Push Notifications enabled on iOS devices? Is there an alternative?

Yes, Delta Chat automatically uses Push Notifications for chatmail profiles. And no, there is no alternative on Apple’s phones to achieve instant message delivery because Apple devices do not allow Delta Chat to fetch data in the background. Push notifications are automatically activated for iOS users because Delta Chat’s privacy-preserving Push Notification system does not expose data to Apple that it doesn’t already have.

Are Push notifications enabled / needed on Android devices?

If a “Push Service” is available, Delta Chat enables Push Notifications to achieve instant message delivery for all chatmail users. If you are using a classic e-mail provider instead of chatmail servers, Push Notifications are not available.

In the Delta Chat “Notifications” settings for “Instant delivery” you can change the following settings effecting all chat profiles:

Both “Background Connection” options are energy-efficient and safe to try if you experience messages arrive only with long delays.

How private are Delta Chat Push Notifications?

Delta Chat Push Notification support avoids leakage of private information. It does not leak e-mail, IP address or message content (not even encrypted) to any system involved in the delivery of Push Notifications.

Here is how Delta Chat apps perform Push Notification delivery:

The central Delta Chat notification proxy is small and fully implemented in Rust and forgets about device-tokens as soon as Apple/Google/etc processed them, usually in a matter of milliseconds.

Note that the device token is encrypted between apps and notification proxy but it is not signed. The notification proxy thus never sees e-mail addresses, IP-addresses or any cryptographic identity information associated with a user’s device (token).

Resulting from this overall privacy design, even the seizure of a chatmail server, or the full seizure of the central Delta Chat notification proxy would not reveal private information that Push services do not already have.

Why does Delta Chat integrate with centralized proprietary Apple/Google push services?

Delta Chat is a free and open source decentralized messenger with free server choice, but we want users to reliably experience “instant delivery” of messages, like they experience from Whatsapp, Signal or Telegram apps, without asking questions up-front that are more suited to expert users or developers.

Note that Delta Chat has a small and privacy-preserving Push Notification system that achieves “instant delivery” of messages for all chatmail servers including a potential one you might setup yourself without our permission. Welcome to the power of the interoperable and massive chatmail and e-mail system :)

Fshehtëzim dhe Siguri

Cilët standarde përdoren për fshehtëzim skaj-më-skaj?

Autocrypt is used for automatically establishing end-to-end encryption with contacts and group chats. Autocrypt uses a limited and secure subset of the OpenPGP standard. End-to-End encrypted messages are marked with a padlock padlock.

Secure-Join protocols are used for establishing chats with guaranteed end-to-end encryption which protects against network attacks and compromised servers. Chats marked with a green checkmark green checkmark guarantee end-to-end encrypted messages.

How can i know if messages are end-to-end encrypted?

All end-to-end encrypted messages carry a padlock:

padlock in bubble

End-to-end encryption is guaranteed if there is a green checkmark next to the chat title:

green checkmark in title

How can I get guaranteed end-to-end encryption and green checkmarks?

If you have a second communication channel with your chat partner, like a video chat or a different messenger, you can generate an invite link.

If you are together in person, you can show a QR code to your chat partner.

Let your chat partner scan the QR image with their Delta Chat app, or click “Copy” or “Share” to create an invite link and share it with your chat partner.

Now wait while Secure-Join network messages are exchanged between both devices.

Congratulations! You now will automatically use guaranteed end-to-end encryption with this contact and both of you can add each other to green-checkmarked groups green checkmark, thereby automatically spreading guaranteed end-to-end encryption among its members.

What does the green checkmark and “guaranteed end-to-end encryption” mean?

Chat titles with green checkmarks green checkmark mean that all messages in the chat will be end-to-end encrypted and can not be read or altered by compromised e-mail servers or Internet providers. Joining green-checkmarked group chats safely spreads everybody’s encryption information (and green checkmarks) in a manner that guarantees end-to-end encryption in the group and among members.

Contact profiles with green checkmarks green checkmark mean that messaging a contact is currently guaranteed to be end-to-end encrypted. Every green-checkmarked contact either did a direct QR-scan with you or was introduced by a another green-checkmarked contact. Introductions happen automatically when adding members to groups. Whoever adds a contact to a green-checkmarked group becomes an introducer to those members who didn’t yet know about the added contact. In a contact profile you can tap on the “Introduced by …” text repeatedly until you get to the one with whom you directly did a QR-scan.

Note that in a contact profile you may see and tap introducers but there is no green checkmark in the profile title. This usually means that the contact “sent a message from another device”.

For more in-depth discussion of “guaranteed end-to-end encryption” please see Secure-Join protocols and specifically read about “Verified Groups”, the technical term of what is called here “green-checkmarked” or “guaranteed end-to-end encrypted” chats.

A contact “sent a message from another device”, what can i do?

Your chat with a contact lost guaranteed end-to-end encryption. The green checkmark was removed for this chat and contact when you see this warning. If you find the sudden drop of guaranteed end-to-end encryption surprising for this contact then don’t accept the warning! Instead check with your contact through a second channel like a video call, other messenger or a phone call, to find out what happened.

If your contact actually caused the drop of guaranteed end-to-end encryption please see the next paragraphs for common reasons and their mitigations. Regardless, all other green-checkmarked chats remain guaranteed end-to-end encrypted even if the contact is a member there.

Your contact is using Delta Chat on a second device (phone or laptop)

If they have another device with a Delta Chat app running, they should remove the profile from the new device and add it as a second device as described here. As soon as they message you afterwards, the warning will be gone and guaranteed encryption is established with both devices of your contact.

Your contact reinstalled Delta Chat using their old account login

If they have a backup file, they should remove the profile from the new device and rather import the backup file to re-create their profile. As soon as they message you afterwards, the warning will be gone and guaranteed encryption is re-established for this contact.

If they don’t have a backup file, it’s best to perform a QR scan with your chat partner to re-establish guaranteed end-to-end encryption.

Your contact sent a mail through a webmail interface or another e-mail app and will get back to using Delta Chat soon again.

If you are sure that the contact sometimes uses webmail, or another mail app lacking end-to-end encryption, then you may accept the warning. As soon as your contact uses Delta Chat again, guaranteed end-to-end encryption will be automatically re-established.

Your contact stopped using Delta Chat entirely

Sometimes remaining in contact is more important than end-to-end encryption. “Transport Layer Encryption” (TLS) may still meaningfully protect the confidentiality of your messages between your device and the e-mail server. But without end-to-end encryption you and your contact are trusting your e-mail server to not read or manipulate your messages, and to not hand them to third parties.

In any case, you can not do much else than accept the warning. Please also remove the contact from any active green-checkmarked group which you can find in “Shared chats” in the Contact profile. This spares your contact from getting “unreadable” messages.

If the contact removed Delta Chat because of buggy or undesirable behaviour, please consider posting to our support forum to help us identify and address common problems. Thanks!

Are attachments (pictures, files, audio etc.) end-to-end encrypted?


When we talk about an “end-to-end encrypted message” we always mean a whole message is encrypted, including all the attachments and attachment metadata such as filenames.

A është i siguruar OpenPGP?

Yes, Delta Chat uses a secure subset of OpenPGP and only displays a padlock security indicator on a message if the whole message is properly encrypted and signed. For example, “Detached signatures” are not treated as secure.

OpenPGP is not insecure by itself. Most publically discussed OpenPGP security problems actually stem from bad usability or bad implementations of tools or apps (or both). It is particularly important to distinguish between OpenPGP, the IETF encryption standard, and GnuPG (GPG), a command line tool implementing OpenPGP. Many public critiques of OpenPGP actually discuss GnuPG which Delta Chat has never used. Delta Chat rather uses the OpenPGP Rust implementation rPGP, available as an independent “pgp” package, and security-audited in 2019 and 2024.

We aim, along with other OpenPGP implementors, to further improve security characteristics by implementing the new IETF OpenPGP Crypto-Refresh which was thankfully adopted in summer 2023.

Did you consider using alternatives to OpenPGP for end-to-end -encryption?

Yes, we are following efforts like MLS or Saltpack but adopting them would mean breaking end-to-end encryption interoperability with all other e-mail apps that typically support OpenPGP encryption. So it would not be a light decision to take and there must be tangible improvements for users.

Delta Chat takes a holistic “usable security” approach and works with a wide range of activist groupings as well as renowned researchers such as TeamUSEC to improve actual user outcomes against security threats. The wire protocol and standard for establishing end-to-end encryption is only one part of “user outcomes”, see also our answers to device-seizure and message-metadata questions.

A mund të preket Delta Chat-i nga EFAIL?

Jo, Delta Chat s’qe kurrë i cenueshëm nga EFAIL ngaqë sendërtimi në të i OpenPGP-së rPGP përdor Kod Pikasje Ndryshimesh, kur fshehtëzohen mesazhe dhe shfaq një gabim nëse Kodi i Pikasjes së Ndryshimeve është i pasaktë.

Delta Chat also never was vulnerable to the “Direct Exfiltration” EFAIL attack because it only decrypts multipart/encrypted messages which contain exactly one encrypted and signed part, as defined by the Autocrypt Level 1 specification.

Is a message exposed in cleartext if end-to-end encryption is not available?

Even if your messages are not guaranteed to be end-to-end encrypted, they are still protected from Internet providers like cell or cable companies. However, your and your recipient’s e-mail providers may read, analyze or even modify your messages, including any attachments, if they are not end-to-end encrypted.

Delta Chat by default uses strict TLS encryption which secures connections between your device and your e-mail provider. All of Delta Chat’s TLS-handling has been independently security audited. Moreover, the connection between your and the recipient’s e-mail provider will typically be transport-encrypted as well. If the involved e-mail servers support MTA-STS then transport encryption will be enforced between e-mail providers in which case Delta Chat communications will never be exposed in cleartext to the Internet even if the message was not end-to-end encrypted.

Note that maintaining guaranteed end-to-end encryption on top of TLS encryption provides pervasive safety between your and the recipient’s devices. Not even your e-mail or Internet provider will be able to read or modify your messages.

Si i mbron Delta Chat-i tejtëdhënat në mesazhe?

Delta Chat protects most message metadata by putting the following information into the end-to-end encrypted part of messages:

E-Mail servers do not get access to this protected metadata but they do see the message date as well as the message size, and, more importantly, the sender and receiver addresses. E-mail servers need receiver addresses to route and deliver messages to recipient’s devices.

Si të mbrohen tejtëdhënat dhe kontaktet, kur shtien në dorë një pajisje?

Both for protecting against metadata-collecting e-mail servers as well as against the threat of device seizure we recommend to use a chatmail server to create pseudonymous temporary profiles through QR-code scans. Note that Delta Chat apps on all platforms support multiple profiles so you can easily use situation-specific profiles next to your “main” profile with the knowledge that all their data, along with all metadata, will be deleted. Moreover, if a device is seized then contacts using temporary profiles can not be identified easily, as compared to messengers which reveal phone numbers in chat groups which in turn are often associated with legal identities.

How can i check encryption information?

You may check the end-to-end encryption status manually in the “Encryption” dialog (user profile on Android/iOS or right-click a user’s chat-list item on desktop). Delta Chat shows two fingerprints there. If the same fingerprints appear on your own and your contact’s device, the connection is safe.

Si mund ta kontrolloj gjendjen e fshehtëzimit të mesazheve?

A little padlock in a message bubble denotes that the message was properly end-to-end encrypted from the given sender. If there is no padlock, the message was not properly end-to-end encrypted most likely because the sender uses an app or webmail interface without support for end-to-end–encryption.

Pse shoh mesazhe të pafshehtëzuar?

If a contact uses a non-Autocrypt e-mail app, all messages involving this contact (in a group or 1:1 chat) will not be end-to-end encrypted, and thus not show a “padlock” with messages. Note that even if your contacts use Delta Chat on their account, they might also use a non-Autocrypt e-mail app on that account which then may cause intermittently unencrypted messages. Replying unencrypted to unencrypted messages is mandated by Autocrypt to prevent unreadable messages on the side of your contacts and their non-Autocrypt e-mail app.

How can i get an end-to-end encrypted chat with a Delta Chat contact who sometimes uses webmail or another non-Autocrypt e-mail app?

If you need a safely end-to-end encrypted chat with a contact who is using their e-mail account both with Delta Chat and non-Autocrypt apps (e.g. webmail), it’s best to setup guaranteed end-to-end encryption with them and then create a guaranteed end-to-end encrypted group chat with you two as members. In this group chat all messages will be end-to-end encrypted even if the direct chat between you two has a “… sent a message from another device” warning.

How can I ensure message end-to-end encryption and deletion?

The best way to ensure every message is end-to-end encrypted, and metadata deleted as quickly as possible is using chats with guaranteed end-to-end encryption and turning on disappearing messages.

Guaranteed end-to-end encrypted chats protect against MITM attacks and turning on disappearing messages deletes the messages on the server after a user-configured time.

Nëse s’ju duhet te shërbyesi një kopje jetëgjatë e mesazheve tuaj, mund edhe të aktivizoni “fshiji automatikisht nga shërbyesi mesazhe”.

Does Delta Chat support Perfect Forward Secrecy?

No, Delta Chat doesn’t support Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS). This means that if your Delta Chat private decryption key is leaked, and someone has collected your prior in-transit messages, they will be able to decrypt and read them using the leaked decryption key.

Note, however, that if anyone obtains to your decryption keys, they will typically also be able to obtain your messages, irrespective if Perfect Forward Secrecy is in place or not. The typical real-world situation for leaked decryption keys is device seizure which we discuss in our answer on metadata and device seizure.

It is possible that Delta Chat evolves to support Perfect Forward Secrecy, because OpenPGP is just a container for encrypted messages but encryption key management (and thus key rotation or key “ratcheting”) could be organized in flexible ways. See Seqouia’s PFS prototype for existing experiments in the OpenPGP implementor community.

Is end-to-end encryption of Delta Chat as safe as Signal?

It depends on what is important to you. Delta Chat does not support PFS like Signal does but it provides guaranteed end-to-end encrypted chats that are safe against compromised servers or corrupted networks. Signal and most other PFS-supporting messengers do not provide a practical scheme for protecting chat groups from network attacks which are arguably more worrysome than a potential attacker who seizes your phone and private encryption setup but somehow not your messages, yet has a full record of all past encrypted messages.

In any case, Delta Chat’s end-to-end encryption uses a secure subset of OpenPGP which has been independently security-audited.

A mund të ripërdor kyçin tim ekzistues privat?


Delta Chat generates secure OpenPGP keys according to the Autocrypt specification 1.1. You can export your private key but you can not import additional private keys.

In general, we do not recommend or offer users to perform manual key management. We want to ensure that security audits can focus on a few proven cryptographic algorithms instead of the full breath of possible algorithms allowed with OpenPGP.

A është bërë auditim i pavarur i Delta Chat-it për cenueshmëri sigurie?

Yes, multiple times. The Delta Chat project continuously undergoes independent security audits and analysis, from most recent to older:


A mund ta përdor Delta Chat-in në shumë pajisje njëherësh në të njëjtën kohë?

Po You can use the same profile on different devices:

Ndryshe nga mjaft shkëmbyes të tjerë mesazhesh, pas një shpërngulje të suksesshme, që të dyja pajisjet janë plotësisht të pavarura. Njëra pajisja s’ka nevojë për tjetrën që të funksionojë.


Manual Transfer

Kjo metodë rekomandohet vetëm nëse “Shtoni Pajisje të Dytë” si përshkruhet më sipër s’funksionon.

Is Deletion, Pinning, Archiving, Saving, Muting etc. synced to all devices?


If you e.g. delete a chat or a message from your phone, it will be deleted on your desktop as soon as it comes online again.

Notable exceptions are Delete old messages from Device, as different devices may have different storage capacities, and system specific settings as notification sounds.

A ka ndonjë plan për të sjellë një Klient Web Delta Chat?

aplikacione webxdc

In Delta Chat, you can share webxdc apps, attachments with an .xdc file extension. They can do very different things, and make Delta Chat a truly extendable messenger.

Sa private janë aplikacionet webxdc?

Ku mund të marr aplikacione webxdc?

Si mund të krijoj aplikacionet e mia webxdc?

Veçori Eksperimentale

We are very grateful for feedback on these features - do you want to share your ideas? Join the Forum to contribute. You may conveniently login via Delta Chat and a QR code scan, another rather stable experiment we run on the side (sic!).

Si mund të përdor thirrje audio/video me Delta Chat-in?

Ç’janë Listat e Transmetimeve dhe si mund t’i përdor?

Si mund t’u tregoj partnerëve të mi në fjalosje vendndodhjen time?

Pse mund të zgjedh vetëm të shoh dosjen DeltaChat?

Kjo është një veçori eksperimentale për disa vetë që eksperimentojnë me rregulla më anë të shërbyesit. Jo të gjithë furnizuesit e shërbimeve e mbulojnë këtë, por me disa mund të kaloni krejt mesazhet me një krye “Chat-Version” te dosja DeltaChat. Zakonisht kjo do të bëhej nga aplikacioni Delta Chat.

Aktivizimi i “Sill Vetëm nga dosja DeltaChat” ka kuptim nëse i keni të dyja:

Në këtë rast, Delta Chat-i s’ka nevojë të shohë Të marrët dhe mjafton të vëzhgojë vetëm dosjen DeltaChat.

Si mund ta ndryshoj llogarinë time me një tjetër adresë email?

  1. Change your address in “Settings → Advanced → Password and Account” and enter the password of your new e-mail account (and if necessary, server settings). You will get an information notice about the fact that you are moving to a new address. An additional notice will also show up in your “Device messages” chat.

  2. If possible, let your old e-mail provider forward all messages to your new address.

  3. Tell your contacts that you changed your address. Writing to guaranteed end-to-end encrypted chats and groups, will make them notice your move automatically and they will continue chatting with you using your new address.

Note that Delta Chat will not retrieve messages anymore from your old e-mail provider. If you didn’t configure your e-mail provider to forward messages (step 2.) only those contacts to whom you sent a message in a guaranteed end-to-end encrypted chat will send messages to your new address.

To learn more about this the details behind this, read our blogpost on it.

Të ndryshme

Ç’leje lyp Delta Chat-i?

Në varësi të sistemit operativ në përdorim, mund t’ju kërkohet t’i akordoni leje aplikacionit. Ja se ç’bën Delta Chat-i me këto leje:

A funksionon Delta Chat me shërbimin tim email?

Dua të administroj shërbyesin tim email për Delta Chat. Ç’rekomandoni?

Pse më duhet të jap fjalëkalimin e email-it tim në Delta Chat? A është e sigurt kjo?

Si edhe me programe të tjerë email-i, bie fjala, Thunderbird-i, K9-Mail-i, ose Outlook-u, programit i duhet fjalëkalimi, që kështu të mund të dërgoni email-e. Sigurisht, fjalëkalimi depozitohet vetëm në pajisjen tuaj. Fjalëkalimi i transmetohet vetëm furnizuesit të email-it tuaj (kur bëni hyrjen), i cili mund të hyjë te email-et tuaj, sido qoftë.

Ngaqë Delta Chat-i është Me Burim të Hapur, mund të kontrolloni Kodin Burim, nëse doni të verifikoni se a trajtohen me siguri kredencialet tuaja. Na gëzojnë përshtypjet që e bëjn aplikacionin më të sigurt për krejt përdoruesit tanë.

Cilat mesazhe shfaqen në Delta Chat?

Si parazgjedhje, Delta Chat i shfaq krejt email-et.

At “Settings → Advanced → Show Classic E-Mails”, you can change this. You have these options:

A mbulon Delta Chat-i email-e HTML?

Yes, incoming HTML messages come with a “Show full message” button. Outgoing messages always use plain text.

Can I set the E-Mail Subject with Delta Chat?

Delta Chat sets (and encrypts!) the classic e-mail subject automatically to the group name or to the sender name.

So if you want to set the subject yourself, for example for a formal e-mail to a business contact, you can create a group with only yourself and the recipient(s). Set the Chat Title to the Subject you want, and then send your e-mail as the first message. If the recipients don’t use Delta Chat, it will look like a normal, formal e-mail to them. You will get bonus professionalism points if you set a signature text.

Përse hyn në punë rregullimi “Dërgojini Vetes Një Kopje”?

Dërgimi vetes i një kopjeje të mesazheve tuaj siguron marrjen e mesazheve tuaj në krejt pajisjet. Nëse keni disa pajisje dhe nuk i mbani ndezur, shihni vetëm mesazhet prej të tjerëve, dhe mesazhet që dërgoni prej pajisjes që keni hapur në atë çast.

Kopja dërgohet te Të marrët, dhe mandej kalohet te dosja DeltaChat; nuk vendoset te dosja “Të dërguar”. Delta Chat-i nuk ngarkon kurrë ndonjë gjë te dosja Të dërguar, ngaqë kjo do të thoshte ngarkim dy herë të një mesazhi (një herë përmes SMTP-s, dhe një herë përmes IMAP-it në dosjen Të dërguar).

The default setting for “Send Copy to Self” is “on”.

Pse mund të zgjedh të vëzhgoj dosjen “Të dërguar”?

Arsyeja e vetme pse dikush mund të dojë të vëzhgojë dosjen Të marrë është kur përdoret tjetër program email-sh (bie fjala, Thunderbird-i) në krah të aplikacionit tuaj Delta Chat, dhe doni që MUA juaj të marrë pjesë në biseda.

Sidoqoftë, rekomandojmë të përdoret Klienti Desktop i Delta Chat-it; mund ta shkarkoni që nga Mundësia për vëzhgim të dosjes “Të dërguar” mund të hiqet në të ardhmen. Qe prurë në kohët kur s’kish klient Desktop Delta Chat për krejt platformat.

Pse mund të zgjedh të mos e vëzhgoj dosjen DeltaChat?

Disa e përdorin Delta Chat-in si një klient të rregullt email, dhe duan ta përdorin dosjen Të marrë për email-in e tyre, në vend se dosjen DeltaChat. Nëse çaktivizoni “Vëzhgo dosjen DeltaChat”, duhet të çaktivizoni edhe “kalo mesazhe bisedash te DeltaChat”. Përndryshe, fshirja e mesazheve në instalime me shumë pajisje mund të mos punojë si duhet.

A është i përputhshëm Delta Chat-i me Protonmail-in / Tutanota-n / Criptext-in?

Si mund ta fshij llogarinë time?

If you use a default chat profile you can simply uninstall the app. This will automatically trigger deletion of all associated account data on the chatmail server. For more info, please refer to account-deletion for the default onboarding server, or the respective page from your chosen 3rd party chatmail server.

If you have set up your chat profile on multiple devices you need to remove it from all devices.

If you are using more than one account, but don’t want to get rid of all of them, you can remove it in the account switcher menu (on android and iOS), or in the sidebar with a right click (in the desktop client).

Accounts on classic e-mail providers will not be deleted automatically; how you can delete your account depends on your e-mail provider. We don’t have any control over e-mail accounts at those providers, so unfortunately we can’t help you with that.

If you want to continue using a classic e-mail account with other apps, but uninstall Delta Chat, it is recommended to leave any group chat before uninstalling Delta Chat. Otherwise you might receive undecryptable messages from those group chats.

Më interesojnë hollësitë teknike. Mund të më tregoni diçka më tepër?

Where can my friends find Delta Chat?

Delta Chat is available for all major and some minor platforms:

Si financohet zhvillimi i Delta Chat-it?

Delta Chat nuk përfiton ndonjë financim të llojit Venture Capital dhe s’ka borxhe, as gjendet nën trysni për të prodhuar fitime të mëdha, apo për të shitur përdoruesit, shokët dhe familjen e tyre reklamuesve (apo më keq). Në vend të kësaj, përdorim burime financimi publik, deri sot me origjinë nga BE dhe ShBA, si ndihmë të përpjekjeve tona për lulëzimin e një ekosistemi të decentralizuar dhe të larmishëm shkëmbimi mesazhesh bazuar në zhvillime bashkësie të Lirë dhe Me Burim të Hapët.

Concretely, Delta Chat developments have so far been funded from these sources, ordered chronologically:

Financimi monetar i përmendur më sipër është kryesisht i organizuar nga GmbH në Frajburg (Gjermani) dhe u shpërndahet më tepër se një duzine kontribuesish nga e gjithë bota.

Për mundësi kontributesh monetare ose lloji tjetër, ju lutemi, shihni kanale kontributi te Delta Chat.